Courtesan Oubliette


The Courtesan Oubliette represents the dance between submission and dominance, the entities entwine through a journey of consensual discovery, enticing each other down a path of trust and devotion, strengthening the bonds of these power dynamics.


“The art is symbolic of a beautiful Japanese woman in polished black latex, legs bound, wearing an elaborate diamond set corset and tiara with her long black hair flowing to represent a sensual whip” - Colin Burn


The Courtesan

Black Gold & Diamond Sculpture

Limited Edition - 10 Only

By Colin Burn

Artists Inspiration - “My inspiration was drawn from my experiences in Japan, visiting underground venues that practice Kinbaku. For centuries the Japanese have practiced Kinbaku, the unique and intricate art of rope tying (Shibari) for sexual pleasure. I wanted the art to express the traditional feel of Kinbaku, fused with the more modern practice of S&M, which is also popular within these underground venues in Japan.  Electroformed in pure 24k gold and finished in black rhodium, the art is symbolic of a beautiful Japanese woman in polished black latex, legs bound, wearing an elaborate diamond set corset and tiara with her long black hair flowing to represent a sensual whip.”


Consensual Gate

Photographic Artworks

By Aaron McPolin

Artists Interpretation - “Along the winding path where lines of pain and pleasure are blurred awaits the gates to another realm, guided by the practitioner we follow the sensory journey, willingly we push through our barriers with each gate we open. Inspired by the BDSM subculture and its multitude of extraordinary artists, the art of Shibari and Needle Play is combined to create a melding of body and mind. Skillfully an erotic journey is created through communication, touch and stimulus control.”

“Shibari and Needle Play is combined to create a melding of body and mind” - Aaron McPolin


Purchase artworks from this sanctum


Pearl Royale Altar


Jinlong Temple